Sept 2023 Minutes

September 11, 2023

The September Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held on the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice President Paula Beberman with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

Roll Call: Present: Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson. Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwartz, Ronald Smilowitz.
Attending remotely President Alan Schnelwar
Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the May 8, 2023, meeting was accepted as printed.

TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of August 31, 2023

Seacoast Bank
Reserve Account $ 167,421.19
Operating Account $ 61,464.52
Income August 2023 $ 2,876.49
Expenses August 2023 $ 25,103.31

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Vice President Beberman reported that President Schnelwar is presently in Boston receiving treatment for a medical issue but will be attending the meeting at 7:30 PM via conference call.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: Vice President Beberman reported that 4th quarter maintenance is due Oct 1st and we already have received 6 payments. Currently we have one unpaid 3rd quarter maintenance.  Vice President Beberman reported there were no interviews.

POOL: Director Ron Smilowitz reported all is good. No major issues. Repair to all the chairs has been completed. The color choice is working out very well. The pool water level self-adjusts. Flowers at the pool are doing well.

LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported the lakes are fine. Weed control has been applied.

ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler had nothing new to report.

GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported all inspection issues have been completed.

PEST CONTROL: Nothing new to report.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that our new flagpole was installed on July 3rd and on July 4th a new flag was raised on the new flagpole. The flag is illuminated at night by a solar light at the top of the flagpole. White fly treatment was just applied. Trimming of interior hedges has been completed on Lucy Drive. Candy Way is next followed by Doris Ct., Edna Way and Wanda Ln. Two trees have been hit by lightning. One is homeowner owned and the other is the responsibility of the Association. A reminder that we still are in hurricane season and to please stay vigilant with the weather.

SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported that Norgen Landscape has been working on many of the valves. All the valves that control the sprinklers. Four holes behind Wanda by Atlantic have covered and all the valves are now working. Valves on Edna and Via Flora have been repaired. Doris Ct and Connie Blvd were also fixed. The rear area between Doris Ct and Wanda Ln has not yet been fixed. If anyone has a sprinkler issue, please call me

LIGHTING AND ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman reported that the roads are OK. Problems with streetlights on Doris Ct, Edna Way. A new outage on Lucy Dr has also been reported to the county. Reply from the county is that it’s hurricane season!ALLIANCE: Recreation Assoc. Delegate Iris Schnell reported that a recent meeting was going to be about insurance issues. There were many residents who attended. The seminar was attended by our elected officials but there was no one from the insurance industry in attendance and nothing concrete was established.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: The September meeting of the Association has been cancelled for two reasons. Many Board Members will be away and most important is the ongoing repairs to the Rec Association parking lot will not be completed.
President Alan Sschnelwar was in attendance via conference call.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson back in May had brought up about removal of Association Tree behind residence 5809 Doris Ct. This tree is again causing damage to the sidewalk at the corner of Connie Blvd and Edna Way and damage to the homeowner’s patio. Estimate for removal of the tree and its roots by our landscape contractor is One Thousand Seven Hundred ($1,700.00) dollars. Accordingly, there was a motion by President Alan Schnelwar second by Director Barry Schwartz that we contract for the removal of the above discussed tree. By voice vote, all Board Members voted in favor and the motion was unanimously adopted.
Under landscaping Director Barbara Quinto inquired that based on the lawn cutting schedule that April thu September our lawns should be cut 3 times per month. Barbara reported our lawns have been cut only two times per month. If we are paying for 3 times per month, our landscaper should be here every 10 days. The Landscape chairman will have a conversation with Norgen concerning this issue.

NEW BUSINESS: President Schnelwar reported that so far, our finances are doing well. Very shortly Breezeline Communications will be submitting a proposal involving wi-fi for the entire community. If the Board is possibly able to maintain our current maintenance, our president reported that we may be able President Schnelwar is looking for a feeling from the board as to the Board providing WI-FI to all the community residents. Some residents might still be using other companies other than Breezeline. Upgrades include the elimination of TVIO boxes and the use of cloud storage and possible extension of our current contract. President Schnelwar stated he will have more details at next months meeting.

GOOD AND WELFARE: Some people in attendance were reporting that the air conditioning unit for the Viking Meeting Room is making louder than normal noise. This issue will be referred to the Rec Board for investigation.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, Oct 9, 2023, at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance: 9 Board Members. Resident’s attendance 11

The next Recreation Association Meeting will be Oct 18, 2023, at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people, including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.

Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson Secretary

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