Presidents Letter November 2022

Dear homeowner:

The November Board meeting was held on Monday night, November 21, 2022.  The following items were discussed:

  1. The sale of the three lots at the end of Edna Way.   I have still been working with a buyer for the three lots and the board has approved his asking price of $100,000 for the three lots. This potential buyer is from Poland, and he has said he will be coming to the US in early February to close on the sale.
  2. The homeowner who has objected to the color of the pool building is still negotiating with us for a resolution to the mediation We have spent $8,527 in attorney’s fees so far this year on this matter.
  3. Norgren will start the work on replacing the ficus at the east end of the pool next week. They will also be planting the flowers on Connie Blvd. and applying weed and feed next week.
  4. Mariann Hallahan has been appointed by the board to replace Lynda Marmor as our representative on the recreation board. Iris Schnell has agreed to run for the recreation board positions that was held by Phil Beberman. Nobody has requested to run for the three positions that are up for re-election currently held by myself, Ken Bankler, and Ron Smilowitz.  At the December meeting the four positions will be voted on.  A write in candidate may still be allowed at the December meeting before the vote is taken.
  5. We have completed our new website You can now communicate with committee members by clicking on their name and completing your request online.  As on the previous website all forms are available on the site.
  6. The newsletter for Plat3 will no longer be provided due to new web site. Most of the information is now on our new website, as well as my monthly president’s letter and the minutes of the board meetings.
  7. I presented the budget to the board for approval. The quarterly maintenance for 2023 will be $635. The primary reasons for this increase are as follows:
    • The 2022 income did not meet the budget. We budgeted for 8 new home sales and only has 6.
    • The 2022 expenses exceeded the budgeted amount by $45,606 and must be made up in 2023.
    • We had legal fees exceeding budget $8,527 for the pool color complaint and fees for a new amendment.
    • We will be paying an additional $18 per quarter per household to the recreation board for 2023.
    • Contractual Increases for to Breezeeline and a small increase for Norgen.
  1. Repairs to home required by our annual inspection have been completed except for 1.


Respectfully submitted

Alan Schnelwar, President

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