October 2022 Minutes

October 10, 2022

The October Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

Roll Call:  Present:  President Alan Schnelwar, Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto and Barry Schwarz.

Excused: Director Ronald Smilowitz

Reading of Minutes:   The minutes of the June 13, 2022 meeting were read and accepted as read on a motion by President Alan Schnelwar second by Vice President Paula Beberman.


President Schnelwar introduced Joann Albertson, the President of the Delray Villas Recreation Association. Joann reported that the increase in the maintenance portion of each plats budget that is forwarded to the Recreation Association for their budget.  The increase will be $6.00 a month.  The Recreation Association has not increased the maintenance since 2019. The increase is necessary due to the increased cost of everyday operations of the facilities. Copies of the Recreation Budget and reasons for increases were made available to everyone. This increase has nothing to do with the renovations to the A Building and the new roofs and painting of the entire Recreation Association Buildings.  There will be no assessment for this project as the Association has secured approval of a building loan in the amount of One Million Three Hundred Sixty One Dollars. ($1,361,000.00) for that project. The construction is scheduled to start on October 31st. President Albertson also reported that due to resignations of two Plat 3 delegates, the Rec Board will need two delegates.  Plat 3 should have 3 delegates to effectively represent Plat 3 on the Recreation Association Board and report back to the residents of Plat 3.  If there is anyone who is interested please contact either the Plat 3 President or the Rec Association President. There will be a walk thru of the A Building upcoming and the President and one representative from each of the Delray Villas Plats will be invited to observe the renovation construction. President Albertson answered any and all questions concerning the Recreation Association. President Joann thanked Plat 3 delegates Phil Beberman and Linda Marmor for their service and work on the Recreation Association Board of Directors. The expiring term of Phil Beberman will require an election in December and the term of Linda Marmor can be appointed for a period of one year.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read by the Secretary as follows:           
Balances as of September 30, 2022

Professional Bank

  • Reserve Account   $ 66,260.70
  • Operating Account   $ 13,887.95
  • Income Sept $16,779.56
  • Expenses Sept $ 30,603.71


PRESIDENTS REPORT:  President Schnelwar reported that there 3 requests for cable problem which involved the replacement of TVO Boxes.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS:  Vice President Beberman reported that we are still waiting for some payments for the 4th quarter. There are also 4 or 5 delinquent payments from the 3rd quarter.   There was one interview upcoming for a rental.

POOL:  President Schnelwar reported for Director Ron Smilowitz.  Electrical problems at the pool have been resolved.  Questions concerning cleaning of tiles in the pool and leaving the chairs out prior to a possible storm.  President Schnelwar reminded everyone that we have a Plat 3 email that residents can and should use to report problems.  The report is then forwarded to the responsible director for resolution and we have a record of the report.

LAKES:  Director Ken Bankler reported that the usual algae treatment was applied and currently the lake levels are high due to high rainfall.

ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler had 2 requests for windows and sliders.  One front door and one for enclosing of a rear patio.

GRIEVANCE:  Director Barry Schwartz reported that 4 outside lights are out. Trash is OK. There are a few outstanding repairs. Fifty Five (55) out of Sixty Four (64) have been completed.

PEST CONTROL:  Vice President Beberman reported that there have been reports of ants.  If you have ants inside your home, please contact Hulett.  They are here every Tuesday.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that grass cutting was started today and will finish tomorrow. The trimming of the hedges on Connie Blvd. will start on Wednesday.  After the trimming of Connie Blvd is completed, the hedges at the rear of Lucy Drive will then be trimmed. The removal and replacement of the hedges at the deep end of the pool was delayed as we must replace the sprinkler piping that is beneath the roots of the old hedges.

Permission was given to two (2) residents for the removal of trees. One in the rear of Lucy Dr. and one in front on Lucy Dr. When inspections are conducted in January, some residents will be notified that they will need to replace or repair missing downspouts to eliminate erosion of soil at the rear of their homes. Any landscape issues that are emailed are reported immediately to Norgen Landscape.

SPRINKLERS:  Director Barbara Quinto reported that since June we have had 14 issues on Lucy Dr. 2 issues on Edna Way, 5 issues on Doris Ct, 2 issues on Wanda Ln and 1 issue on Candy Way.  There are some zone issues that will require the installation of new underground wires.

NEWSLETER:  Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new all quiet.

ROADS:  Director Maureen Gilman reported no issues.

ALLIANCE:  Secretary Bob Albertson reported that the Alliance is sponsoring a Mature Driver Course at South County Civic Center on October 20th.  Nothing new on the Property at Big Apple Flea Market. PBSO has new program Operation Hot Wheels. 1,100 citations issued so for speeding. PBC Fire Rescue will be building 2 new Fire Stations Station 40 at LaChalet Blvd and Station 49 on Lyons Road north of Atlantic Ave. Teachers will be receiving retention bonuses. There will be Ammendment#1 on this year’s bonus which deals with increase of housing for lower income residents. The Supervisor of Elections announced that if you have a vote by mail request on file, following this election, you will need to resubmit a request for a vote by mail ballot.  This will help to keep the voting records as current as possible.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: President Joann Albertson previously gave a report at the beginning of tonight’s meeting.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Schnelwar reported that the buyer of the 3 lots at the corner of Wanda Ln and Edna Way has been unable to purchase the fourth lot because the owner of the fourth lot did not obtain a clear title.  The cost of obtaining a clear title would cost approximately $10,000. Our attorney believes we could possibly achieve this.  Question raised as to have we received anything form the prospective buyer. Answer is we have received nothing from prospective buyer.  Are we in the real estate business?  Do we have to lay out $30,000?  On the record, we have 8 yes and 1 no. President Schnelwar stated that we have a new potential buyer that would is willing to purchase the 3 lots for $100,000 negotiate a price with a $10,000 to $15,000 payment if he backs out.  All of our previous requirements have been given to this new potential buyer. This buyer is willing to purchase just our 3 lots with our requirements.

New subject under Unfinished Business. The homeowner who objected to the color of the pool building.  This homeowner requested mediation.  Our President, Vice President and Plat 3 Legal Counsel attended a mediation via Zoom. The resident was asking for $10,000 for emotional distress and $ 10,000 for legal fees.  This resident also wants to have the residents approve every expenditure.  Now this resident now wants all documentation regarding the sale of our lots.  The mediation continues.

Each board member has received a projection of the budget for the remaining months of this year.  President Schnelwar reported that he is working on next year’s budget and there are sure to be increases along with the Rec Assoc. there surely will be other increases. Our cable contract calls for a yearly increases. Each board member is asked to review their budget responsibilities.

NEW BUSINESS:  Flag at pool will be replaced and flags will be re ordered.


With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, Sept. 12, 2022 at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance:  8 Board Members.  9 Residents.

The next Recreation Association Meeting will be October 19, 2022 at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people including the Recreation Assoc. Board.  That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Albertson, Secretary.

Contact The President

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Roads & Lights Committee

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Pool Committee

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Sprinkler Committee

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Landscape Committee

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Lake Doctor Committee

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Maintenance Payments Committee

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Architectural Committee

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Grievance Committee

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