October 14, 2024
The Oct 2024 Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held on the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar at 7 PM.
President Schnelwar remarked that there is a large attendance at this meeting due to the ongoing discussions involving the roofs at Plat 3. We will follow normal procedures and follow our normal agenda. Any discussion involving roofs will be conducted under Unfinished Business in our agenda.
President Schnelwar led us in a pledge of Allegiance to our flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice.
Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar attending remotely. Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwartz, and Shari Davis.
Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the Sept 9, 2024, meeting was approved as printed on a motion by President Schnelwar and second by Vice President Paula Beberman. Carried.
Introduction of New Residents: None.
TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following
balances as of Sept 30, 2024
Seacoast Bank
Balances as of August 30, 2024
Reserve Account $ 180,714.92
Operating Account $ 49,056.27
Income Sept 2024 $ 19,937.68
Expenses Sep 2024 $ 50.658.23
PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported that he has not received any Breezline complaints in the last 30 days. If anyone has any complaints, they are asked to put the notice on our website for further investigation. Any discussions on roofing will be conducted under Unfinished Business.
MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: Any payments received now will now be considered as late payments. Vice President Paula Beberman conducted 2
interviews for rentals.
POOL: Norman Garret reported that locks are being installed on both bathrooms at the pool and the passcode will be emailed by the president. New sleeves have been ordered for the ladders and entry railings at the pool. Some of the chairs and lounges need cleaning.
LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported the lake doctor has applied algae treatment. The water level is currently high. The Lake Worth Water District
controls the lake level. President reported he received a call from a resident asking about painting around windows after he had replacement windows installed. Director Ken did not receive a call from the resident.
ARCHECTURE: Ken Bankler had nothing new to report.
GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported that garbage is fine. Currently we have 15 outside lights that are out. All inspection issues have been completed. . Do we have an exact number of rentals? Our president reported that most of our interviews for rentals are renewals and not new rentals.
PEST CONTROL: Marie Cuillerier reported that a resident reported an issue with a snake. Our pest control contract does not cover snakes.
LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairperson Bob Albertson reported that lawns will be cut tomorrow weather permitting. Perimeter hedges will be started following cutting of lawns. Due to ongoing interruptions from the audience. Landscape report was stopped. Question asked on the number of cuttings. Our contract requires that our Landscaper gets paid a fixed amount monthly. There are no discussions concerning any subject under committee reports.
SPRINKLERS: No report due to the sprinklers being turned off due to the amount of rainfall.
ROADS & LIGHTING: Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new on Lights and nothing new on roads. Our storm drains have been checked and they are not clogged. Water collected in drains goes into our lakes and that level is controlled by the Lake Worth Drainage District.
ALLIANCE: Iris Schnell reported that there were 6,000 Fire Recuse Calls in the 4th Battalion last month and 600 were at Station 45 which handles our area. The Alliance President spoke concerning a survey being circulated concerning waste and garbage collections and looking to reduce the garbage collections to once a week. When you get the survey, please fill out the survey so we can continue to have 2 collections per week. December Alliance meeting will concern insurance and the meeting is the 1st Wednesday in December and is open to the public. The meeting is at the South County Civic Center at 9 AM.
RECREATION ASSOCIATION: Iris Schnell reported Halloween Party Oct 26th $15 per person. Nov 11th Veterans Luncheon. Health Expo Nov 14th, 10 AM to 12 Noon. You must register at the Ticket Office Thurs or Sat at 10 AM to Noon to receive free lunch. New Years Eve tickets now on Sale. $55 per person. Please check the Delray Villas Rec News for all other events.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Schnelwar gave an update on our roofs. He again spoke with our attorney concerning the roofing project and yes, we have the authority to proceed. regarding the roofs. Our attorney will be drafting a letter that will be sent to every homeowner regarding this issue. The company that we have retained is drawing up a contact and they will be at the next meeting to answer any questions and address concerns concerning their role in managing this project for us. There are several issues i.e., leaders, gutters and facia that could affect the total cost of the project but not significantly. Currently we are in negotiations with three (3) banks. The other issue is the auditing of our books which now is a State Law if your income is over $500,000 yearly, you must be audited. Hiring an auditor could cost as much as $10,000. How much will a bookkeeper cost? The estimate is about $750 a month. Our current accountant is no longer willing to balance our books.
New Subject. Vehicle Regulations left from June 2024. Our president responded that he would work on this and will have more to report at our next meeting, New Subject. The total number of rental properties. President reported that we currently are about 25. The threshold is closer to 35. It seems that we are getting an increase in rental investigations but in fact they are investigations for re rental of properties. President Schnelwar reported that we currently have six (6) properties’ up for sale with some in the final stages of sale. Evey broker has been notified of the roofing assessment and it looks like we will have sales without interruption. Resident at 14520 Lucy Dr. asked if the residents will be getting a copy of the roofing bids. The president answered that we will not be sending copies of the bids to each resident. The consulting company that the board hired will be giving 3 bids to the board and their recommendations to the board. Any homeowner will be allowed to look at the bids. The consulting company will give the board the pros and cons of accepting bids. The board will be looking at the bid warranties. The board has hired a consulting co to do the research. At this point it was difficult to
translate the recording to minutes as everyone began talking at the same time. A resident at 14609 Lucy Dr. feels that when you tell a homeowner that they have to pay for their own roof then that homeowner is responsible for their own roof that that homeowner as part of an HOA then that homeowner gets to be part of the bidding process. Why should I have to pay for your gutters to be replaced when mine do not need to be replaced? At this point, the president thanked everyone for their input and comments and the board will have the roofing consultant at next months meeting.
Resident (no name/address given) asked when did the board vote on hiring a roof consultant. The motion was made at the June 2024 meeting. Resident said he did not see any June minutes. The secretary reported that no minutes for June were posted on the website. The June minutes will be posted tomorrow on the website. The president urged that residents’ concerns about insurance and roof life to do the research and come back with a report at the next meeting. The question asked if the porch roofs will be replaced. If the porch has shingles on the roof they will be replaced. If it does not have shingles, it will not be replaced.
NEW BUISINESS: Board Secretary Albertson spoke on Election Procedures. The election is held at the Annual Meeting in December. Currently the terms of Board Members Robert Albertson, Paula Beberman and Richard Chrzan are expiring. They must indicate by the November Boad Meeting their intentions to the president to seek reelection or election. If any other resident in good standing wishes to run for Plat 3 Board of Directors, they must also follow the same procedure. Director Barbara Quinto would like to propose that we get bids for the landscaping
contract come January 1st
. Secretary Albertson suggested that a committee be formed of 3 people from the board to work on soliciting the bids. President Schnelwar
suggested Board Members Gillman, Quinto, and Albertson to be on the committee.
After some discussion, the motion was second by Shari Davis. All Board Members
voted in favor and the motion was unanimously adopted.
Resident Lynn Goldstein inquired as to the type of replacement bulb for her outside light. The bulb currently approved is daylight 4,000 and if 4,000 is not available then 3,000 would be acceptable. The President thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for their interest in Delray Villas Plat 3.
With no further business to conduct, the president adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM.
Attendance: Present 9 Board Members Residence Attendance 29
The next Plat 3 Meeting will be Monday November 11, 2024, at 7 PM in the Viking Room at the Delray Villas Recreation Center. The next Recreation Association Meeting will be Oct 16, 2024, at 7 PM. In the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people, including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson
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