November 13, 2023
The November HOA Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held on the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice President Paula Beberman with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….
Vice President Paula Beberman introduced Jill Varrichio who has been appointed by President Schnelwar to replace Ron Smilowitz who has submitted his resignation from Plat 3 Board of Directors. Jill will now be handling all aspects of our pool maintenance.
Prior to the start of the HOA Meeting, Vice President Beberman introduced Luke Southam our account representative from Breezline, Inc. to explain to the residents a proposal from Breezline which involves incorporating internet costs into our monthly maintenance and a new platform for streaming TV service using wireless routers which will give full coverage to the entire residents. This system will eliminate any DVR recordings. The proposal will include 3 TV’s.
There will be charges for additional TV’s above 3. This system covers 300 megabytes of internet. The system will have 3 boxes including voice activated remotes. Telephone service will be available but at an additional cost of $19.99 monthly plus taxes. President Schnelwar spoke that if we initiate this program, we will be receiving wi fi along with our cable service. If you have Breezeline cable and have internet at the current speed with no telephone, you will not get any bill from Breezline. These costs will be included in your quarterly maintenance. If you subscribe to any subscriber such as Netflix, Prime or any other provider, you will be billed monthly by Breezline for those services. Any and all questions from the residents were answered by the Breezeline representative. If the Board signs a contract, the new system will go into effect within 90 days. Vice President Paula thanked Luke for his input and for answering any and all questions from the residents. This subject will now be included in the regular Board agenda.
Roll Call: Present: Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson. Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwartz, Jill Varrichio
Attending remotely President Alan Schnelwar.
Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the October 9, 2023, September 11, 2023, meeting was accepted as printed. Motion by Vice President Beberman and second by Director Maureen Gilman.
TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of October 31,2023
Operating Account $ 86,175.58 Reserve Account $ 167,907.27 Income Oct 2023 $92,429.40 Expenses Oct 2023 $ 48,298.55
PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported that we have 4 or 5 delinquent fourth quarter maintenance payments.
MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: Vice President Beberman
POOL: Newly appointed Director Jill Varrichio reported that she has been receiving training from past director Ron Smilowitz as to settings of the pool heaters and coolers and the timing of the lights. Maintenance of pumps etc. will still be handled via current contracts.
LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported the lakes are fine. Weed and algae control has been applied. The water level is starting to go down due to lack of rainfall.
ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler has received a request for patio pavers.
GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported 3 new outside lights are out. No issues with trash. Everything else is good.
PEST CONTROL: Marie Cuillerier reported there will possibly be an increase in the contract. The exact figure is unknown at this time. One resident claims he never sees the pest control company doing any work. If you have an individual problem, you are advised to call Huelett Pest Control.
LANDSCAPE: Bob Albertson reported that winter flowers have been ordered for the Plat entry. Four hedges have died due to why fly disease. The ground has been treated prior to replacement with new Ficus bushes. A question regarding sprinklers and landscaping was raised and a resident feels a new landscape contract should be put out for bid. This resident was asked to see the landscape chairman to receive emails for direct contact.
SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto stated that our system is old and every time a request is reported it is reported to our vendor. More money needs to be allocated to our budget for the upgrade of the system. There was a lightning issue with the router which was replaced by Breezeline. Unfortunately, we were not notified of the router replacement. The system reports that the system is ok but in fact it was not programmed for our internet watering system. The sprinkler system is now working.
LIGHTING AND ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman reported all good.
ALLIANCE: Recreation Assoc. Delegate Iris Schnell reported that at the last meeting, the Sheriff’s Office reported that auto thefts are up 5%. Please leave nothing visible in your car. Iris has Vial of Life Forms for anyone in need. Please update your information on a yearly basis. The guest speaker was Joseph Abruzzo who is the court clerk and county comptroller who reported that he is responsible for taxpayer funds and county investments. Recently, Palm Beach County made a single investment of Israeli bonds in the amount of two hundred million dollars.
RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Iris Schnell reported that on Oct 18th the Rec Board approved their budget for 2024. The clubhouse renovations are almost complete. Tickets are now on sale for New Years Eve. The cost is $59.00 per person.
(1 hr. 5 min mark)
First Item is 2024 Plat 3 HOA Budget. There is a $15 monthly increase ($45.00 a quarter) from the Recreation Association. President Schnelwar stated that the proposed Plat 3 Budget will be increased from $635 a quarter to $680 per quarter starting with first quarter payment due by Jan 10, 2024. The proposed budget has contract increase for Breezeline. Increase for sprinkler system improvements. There is no reduction in our reserve account. We can keep the budget basically the same is that we finished the current year with a small surplus. President Schnelwar is recommending that we adopt the proposed 20024 budget. Accordingly, there was a motion by Secretary Bob Albertson, second by Director Ken Bankler the board adopt the proposed 2024 budget. On the question.
A question was raised as to why there was such a large increase by the Recreation Association. It was explained that the increase was due to insurance premiums increase of $55,000.00 and a one-time charge by Palm Beach Water District of $57,000.00 for the possible use of water should there be a fire during the new sprinkler system connection. This charge was disputed by the Association legal counsel to the county and it was determined to be legal. The $15 a month applies to every home in Delray Villas. Was the money received from the property sale applied towards our reserve fund? Answer was it was not. Question asked if are we ever going to pay maintenance on a monthly basis? Answer, we are going to stay on the current quarterly schedule. We have enough issues to try to collect on a quarterly basis let alone every month.
Voting in favor were Board Members Barry Schwartz, Ken Bankler, Jill Varrichio, Robert Albertson, Paula Beberman, Barbara Quinto, Maureen Gilman, Richard Chrzan and Alan Schnelwar. The proposed Plat Three 2024 Budget was unanimously approved. A copy of the adopted budget is attached to these minutes and is available on request to all Plat 3 HOA members.
(1hr18min mark)
There was a motion by President Schnelwar second by director Maureen Gilman that the Association approve the proposal submitted by Breezline to upgrade our cable and internet service as submitted for acceptance. Voting in Favor Ken Bankler, Jill Varrichio, Robert Albertson, Paula Beberman, Barbara Quinto, Maureen Gilman, Richard Chrzan and Alan Schnelwar. Voting to abstain Barry Schwartz. The motion was adopted 8 voting in favor and one vote abstained.
Next Subject was lollypop bulbs. President Schnelwar offered a proposal for lollypop lighting. Proposed from President Schnelwar that any new replacement bulbs purchased must be a 60 watt and a maximum of 3000 kelvins. Those current 60 light bulbs that are 4000 kelvins can be retained if in working order. If the homeowner wishes to change, they must replace it with 3000 kelvinss bulb. President Schnelwar reported that we have a homeowner who believes the AMA (American Medical Association) believes the 4000-kelvin bulb is too bright and harmful. The proposal was second by Maureen Gilman. There was nothing offered on the question. All board members voted in favor of the proposal. Voting in Favor 9. Opposed 0. 0 abstentions. The proposal is adopted.
Next Subject. Availability of Outside Light replacement. Currently some of the approved fixtures are no longer available. Replacement is not mandatory. Motion by Director Maureen Gilman and second by Vice President Paula Beberman that if a homeowner wishes to change their outside lighting fixture, they will need to contact Director Ken Bankler for approval of those fixtures approved by our HOA. There was no further discussion on this motion. All board members voted in favor and the motion was unanimously adopted.
1 hr. 37 min mark. Discussion on Roofs
President Schnelwar spoke on our amendments which state that if one roof needs to be replaced, the whole building needs to be replaced. President Schnelwar asked if the whole board understands what our amendments state. All board members answered yes. Our president reported that we have a tri plex building on Candy Way and the middle unit has a $3,500 estimate to complete repairs. The middle unit owner wants to replace the roof. Director Gilman read an email that he sent to the homeowners from our plat president that the board would be discussing your situation at its meeting. The board has to consider requiring you to pay for your portion of a new roof for your building. Our amendments require that if a roof is deemed to needing replacement that each homeowner in that building must pay for their portion of the replacement costs. We have one estimate that is for approximately $12,500 per homeowner. This building is 14526, 14536 and 14538 Candy Way. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Alan Schnelwar. President Schnelwar now asked for discussion from the board because the board is going to make a decision that says these two other homeowners have to replace their roofs. Some directors want to see the amendment stating the above. The amendment was read by our President. A lengthy discussion followed. When does the board reach a point when all the roofs need replacement? There is nothing in the minutes about a new roof amendment. What’s the alternative. President Schnelwar stated that if all three owners agree then it gets done. The discussion was tabled pending further board discussion.
New Business: None.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM. The next Meeting will be the Plat 3 HOA Annual Meeting and will be Monday, Dec 11, 2023, at 7 PM in the Viking Room.
Attendance: 9 Board Members. Resident’s 47
The next Recreation Association Meeting will be Nov 15, 2023, at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people, including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson Secretary
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