May 2022 Minutes

May 9, 2022

The May Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….
Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar, Secretary Robert Albertson, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwarz and Ron Smilowitz Excused: Vice President Paula Beberman.
Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the April 11, 2022 meeting were read and accepted as read on a motion by President Alan Schnelwar second by Director Maureen Gilman.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s Report was read by the Secretary as follows: Balances as of April 30, 2022
Professional Bank
Reserve Account $ 86,227.77
Operating Account $ 45,235.30
Income April $ 76,362.11
Expenses April $ 37,658.03

PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported that there was only one cable problem reported and Plat One is investigating switching to Breezeline Communications for cable and internet services.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: President Schnelwar reported 2 or 3 outstanding Maintenance Payments and there were no interviews this month.
POOL: Director Ron Smilowitz reported that one toilet in the pool ladies room has been replaced at a cost of $300. A backflow valve at the pool was also replaced at a cost of $375. At his time of year the pool temperature varies due to drop in temperature in the evenings. Concrete tables are being painted. Music at pool is broadcast using Cable Channels 700 to 749.

LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported that the usual algae control was applied.

ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler reported one request for patio pavers and one request for screen enclosure replacement was approved.

GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported that 6 more issues have been cleared. 49 out of 64 issues have now been addressed. Trash is fine. Report of two large Pit Bull Dogs on Candy Way.

PEST CONTROL: No report.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that he is meeting tomorrow with Norgen Landscape concerning condition of ficus hedges along Connie Blvd. Possible changes in hedge cutting schedule. Winter flowers have been removed at Plat 3 entrance. A new flag needs to be ordered for flag pole at pool. Thanks to everyone for your concern on my wife’s health. She is doing much better.

SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported that Norgen is working repairs to junction box behind Lucy Dive at the south end. Four issues repaired on Lucy Dr. Three issues on Candy Way and Two issues on Wanda Ln. Trees growing out of hedges on Connie Blvd. This is caused by seedlings germinating from Flowing Plants on property in rear of Doris Ct.

NEWSLETER: Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new.

ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman reported no issues.

ALLIANCE: No Report.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Bob Albertson reported for Recreation Board President. Most County Permits are in. All the buildings at the Rec Center are currently getting new roofs. Soon the windows in the A Building will be replaced. Delegate Linda Marmor reported that there will be a Rec Association meeting this Wednesday to review all the bids for the interior of the A Building.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Schnelwar reported that the purchase contract for the sale of the three lots has been signed and the buyer has come to an agreement with the seller for the sale of the fourth lot. Once that contract is signed, we will be closing on our contract and we will receive $75,000to be placed in our Reserve Fund. President Schnelwar asked if we could put up new bushes on the east side of the pool and he is suggesting the same bushes we have at the pool parking lot. This is the worst area. The type of bushes suggested are not affected by chlorine chemicals. Another suggestion was to have the bushes on the north side of the pool removed and open up the view to the lake.

NEW BUSINESS: Issue of a resident who is renting a room in a Plat 3 residence. The Boards position is that this is not allowed. If the person currently renting is no longer renting a room and is now a caregiver, this is permitted. However, the Board will need certification from both the renter and the owner that rent is no longer being paid and is currently a full time caregiver to the owner. There were no objections from the Plat 3 HOA Board.
Plat 3 proposed amendments. Question raised on Item 5.Number 3 section e. Question on the dollar amount. There was a lengthy discussion. Many roofing companies will not take on the responsibility of installing just one roof on a 3 or 4 roof building.
There was a motion by President Schnelwar second by Director Barry Schwartz that the Board move ahead with the proposal changes as presented by our Legal Counsel. All Board Members present voted in favor. These proposals must now be submitted to the residents for their acceptance.

GOOD AND WELFARE: Concern raised on the covers of the garbage receptacles that are given by the county flying off in the wind. A remedy is to purchase a bungee cord and put it on the cover and hook it from handle to handle.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, June 13, 2022 at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance: 8 Board Members. 11 Residents.
The next Recreation Association Meeting will be May 18, 2022 at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson, Secretary.

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