January 2023 Minutes

January 9, 2023

The January 2023 Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….   

Roll Call:  Present:  President Alan Schnelwar, Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto and Barry Schwarz, Ronald Smilowitz. 

Reading of Minutes:   The minutes of the December 12, 2022 meeting were read and accepted as read on a motion by President Alan Schnelwar second by Vice President Paula Beberman.

Introduction of New Residents: None.


TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of December 30, 2022                                   

Professional Bank

Reserve Account   $ 66,418.73

Operating Account   $ 7,204.94

Income Dec $ 32,510.42

Expenses Dec $ 31,474.72

There still is $20,000.00 from the operating account to be placed back into the Reserve Account.

PRESIDENTS REPORT:  President Schnelwar reported 2 cable problems this month. Some problems were caused by residents not calling the correct number for service. If you are having any issues with Breezeline to please call 833-694-6192. If you still have problems then call the president. Our Community Channel has been updated.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS:   President Schnelwar reported that we currently have 2 residents not paid for 4th quarter of 2022 and 32 residents not yet paid for 1st quarter of 2023. Vice President Beberman reported that there is one interview scheduled for a rental.  

POOL:  Director Ron Smilowitz reported that there was one minor repair to an electrical switch. A sign has been placed at the pool with the address of the pool should the need arise to call Fire Rescue in case medical assistance be needed.  The front gate camera has been reinstalled and adjustment of camera will be tomorrow.  Currently, there are four (4) cameras in operation at the pool. 

LAKES:  Director Ken Bankler reported the usual algae treatment was applied.

ARCHECTURE: Ken Bankler reported one request for hurricane shutters.

GRIEVANCE:  Director Barry Schwartz reported one issue with garbage placed outside too early.  If garbage in not in a receptacle, it should be placed outside on Saturday morning.  Two (2) outside lights are out. If any medical supplies are needed, they are to contact the Delray Villas Recreation Association.     

PEST CONTROL:  President Schnelwar is looking for a volunteer to take over the Pest Control as Phil Beberman has retired.  The amount of time needed is minimal.   Hulett is here every Tuesday.  Call them if you have any issues.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson that perimeter hedge trimming at the rear of Lucy Drive was started today. Plan to visit the Assisted Living Facility at the rear of Lucy Dr. about possible trimming of their trees. The ground is open at the south side of Connie Blvd near Lucy Drive.  The hole was not dug by our landscaper. This will be further investigated as to who is responsible.  Pool Director and I will resolve the fence issue around the pool pumps.  Annual trimming of our trees was started today.  Our Annual yearly landscape inspection will begin shortly. 

SPRINKLERS:  Director Barbara Quinto reported five (5) issues on Candy Way, Two (2) issues on Lucy Dr. There is one more issue on Lucy Drive which will be addressed tomorrow. 

NEWSLETER:  No longer being published.  The recreation Newsletter will continue on a monthly basis.

ROADS:  Director Maureen Gilman reported that all is good.    

ALLIANCE:  The alliance is sponsoring a Board Certification Course for any newly elected officers. This course will be conducted via the Zoom application. The new plat 3 delegates will be notified by the Recreation Association about requirements to attend certification class.  The Drivers Education Course is filled and the Association is looking to possible schedule another course in March.  Alliance is sponsoring a Palm Beach County Expo on February 1st from 9AM to 12 noon at the South County Civic Center.  

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Recreation Association is Sponsoring a Scam Workshop on this Saturday January 14th at 1PM. The seminar will be held in the Viking Room.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  President Schnelwar reported on the results of the voting on proposed changes to Plat 3 amendments.  President Schnelwar was pleased to announce that all amendments have passed.  There were 134 votes cast out of 186 which is a nice participation. A minimum of 94 votes were needed for each amendment to pass.  Thank you to all the Board Members for their assistance. The following are the results of the voting.

Amendment # 1 Florida Law   Approve 117      Disapprove 15

Amendment #2 Fines        Approve 94         Disapprove   40

Amendment #3 Occupied Units  Approve 115      Disapprove 19

Amendment #4 Air BNB  Approve 110       Disapprove 24

Amendment # 5       Roofing     Approve 101     Disapprove 33

Amendment # 6 Background Check      Approve 115     Disapprove 17

Director Ron Smilowitz has requested discussion on Large Dogs in Plat 3.  Question asked are large dogs service dogs and are they approved.  President Schnelwar stated the when new homeowners are interviewed, if they have a large dog, they are required to submit documentation. That doesn’t mean that if someone has a large animal and we don’t know the name or address we can’t do anything about it.  If anyone knows the name of the owner, they need to notify the president and the records can be checked.  If not, a notice can be sent to the homeowner.  Currently it’s easy for a homeowner to obtain necessary emotional support animal documentation. 

Speed of Delivery Vehicles was discussed. Also noise of Motor Cycles.

NEW BUSINESS:  The Brightness of the Street Lights was discussed.  This was previously brought up and our cost to change out our street lights.  Director Maureen Gilman has previously investigated this and the cost was $25,000 to change out our street lighting.  Will the changing of the lighting generate more complaints of the lights now being too bright?   Director Gillman will call the county to further investigate. 

President Schnelwar stated that there is nothing new to report on the Sale of the Lots other than the prospective buyer will be here in February with plans to finalize the sale. 

GOOD AND WELFARE:   Nothing to Report

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance:  9 Board Members.  15 Residents.

The next Recreation Association Meeting will be January 18, 2022 at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people including the Recreation Assoc. Board.  That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Albertson, Secretary.

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Roads & Lights Committee

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Pool Committee

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Sprinkler Committee

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Landscape Committee

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Lake Doctor Committee

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Maintenance Payments Committee

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Architectural Committee

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Grievance Committee

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