January 2022 Minutes

January 10, 2022
The January 2022 Homeowners Association Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was conducted using guidelines established by Palm Beach County and the Center for Disease Control. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

President Schnelwar introduced Castle Lot Homes, the people who are proposing to purchase the 3 lots currently owned by Delray Villas III and one lot currently independently owned. They are proposing to build 4 attached units at the corner of Edna Way and Wanda Lane. The proposed units will look outside just like the current units at Plat 3. Any questions raised were answered. Projected time after permits are issued would be approximately 8 months. One major problem of concern is the current fiber optic cable from Atlantic Broadband and the privacy hedges and berm at the corner and privacy wall. The proposed units would become part of Delray Villas 3 HOA.

Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar, Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwarz and Ron Smilowitz.

Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the December 13, 2021 meeting were read and accepted as read on a motion

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of Nov 30, 2021.
Professional Bank
Reserve Account $ 86,199.67
Operating Account $ 17,687.24
Income Dec. $29,880.00
Expenses Nov $ 32,727.42
PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported that our Cable Company Atlantic Broadband has changed their corporate name to Breeze line. Nothing else is changed, only the corporate name.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: Vice President Paula Beberman reported that as of today, all payments for 2021 are closed out. So far, we have 29 homeowners who have not paid there first quarter 2022 maintenance.
There were no interviews for purchase or rental.
POOL: Director Ron Smilowitz reported that the month has been uneventful. The benches and tables have been painted. The light inside the pool is incandescent and the cost for a LED light is extreme.
LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported normal maintenance. Level of water in lakes low.
ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler reported all quiet.
GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported no garbage issues. Outside door on Candy Land is being painted.
PEST CONTROL: Vice President Paula Beberman there is a problem with ants.
LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that weed killer will be applied this week. Some areas of ficus hedge have been treated. Annual tree trimming will start shortly and Inspections will start shortly. These inspections are to maintain the property values and to prevent vegetation form becoming overgrown. Reminder: Please call the Landscape Chairman before you plant to make sure what you want to plant is the proper type of plant and the location is suitable and will not cause damage to water, electric or cable lines. Under New Business would like to discuss hedge issue in and around our pool. Residents reporting many Iguanas in the area. It is recommended that they be left alone. Happy & healthy New Year to all.
SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported on the issue of changing the watering days to avoid the recycling getting wet on Saturdays. The sprinkler system is complicated and suggestion is to put your recycle items in the middle of the driveway. Two Sprinkler issues on Lucy have been fixed and issue on Candy has also been fixed. Issues with sprinklers at pool is under investigation.
NEWSLETER: Director Maureen Gilman reported now that our newsletter is on Power Point, the reading of the letter on TV is much clearer.
ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman had nothing to report.
ALLIANCE: No report due to going back to Zoom Meetings.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Linda Marmor reported that the A building is work in progress. The Association Newsletter is now available on Channel 590. Next meeting is January 19th. Proposed renderings of inside of A Building will be available for all residents to see. The Newsletter is now on Chanel 590.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Schnelwar reported that our Legal Council is advising that we approve of the current color of the pool building.
There was a motion by Vice President Beberman second by Director Gilman to add our pool color to this meeting’s agenda. All Board members were in favor and the motion was unanimously adopted.
There was a motion by Director Gilman second by President Schnelwar that the Board of Directors ratify the decision of the Board that the pool building be painted blue. President Schnelwar called for a voice vote on the motion. Voting in favor. President Schnelwar, Vice President Beberman, Treasurer Chrzan, Secretary Albertson, Director Bankler, Director Gilman, Director Quinto, Director Schwartz, Director Smilowitz. The vote being 9 in favor and 0 Opposed, the motion was unanimously adopted.
President Schnelwar asked for a vote from the Board that we proceed with the sale of our 3 lots agreeing to the terms proposed by the developers and the following proposals from Delray Villas Plat 3 HOA. There was a long discussion from Board members first followed by homeowners with various proposals and ideas with regard to what should be included within any motion. Following this discussion, there was a motion by President Schnelwar, second by Vice President Beberman that the following be agreed to with regard to sale of property owned by Delray Villas 3 HOA as follows:
1. Sale price is $25,000 per lot for a total of $75,000 due at execution of agreement
2. The company shall pay the HOA $5,000 per lot for each sale of the four lots being constructed at the time of each sale closing.
3. The company shall guarantee the repair of any road damage caused by the construction
4. The company shall adequately protect the two homes adjacent to the new building from dust and debris.
5. The company shall extend the ficus bushes to the corner of Atlantic Ave and Via Flora. If replacing, we request that instead of ficus the bushes be Arbocola.
6. A performance bond be supplied to protect the HOA if the project is not completed.
7. A Guarantee of compliance by 1/31/24.
8. Replace the sign with a lighted sign.

Voting in favor, President Schnelwar, Vice President Beberman, Treasurer Chrzan, Secretary Albertson, Director Gilman, Director Quinto, Director Schwartz and Director Smilowitz. Voting in favor 9 and Opposed 0. The motion was unanimously adopted.
NEW BUSINESS: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson brought up the condition of the ficus hedges in and around the pool area being in very poor condition. This condition is caused by proximity to pool chemicals and loss of top soil around the ficus hedges. Option one is too put more top soil around the hedges with hopes that the hedge will recover. The second option is to remove the ficus hedges and replace with arbocola hedge. This is a preliminary discussion to get a feeling from the Board. After discussion to Board agreed to obtain prices for replacing hedges with different approaches.
Discussion concerning replacement of ficus hedges along Atlantic Ave.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, February 14, 2022 at 7 PM in the Viking Room.
The next Recreation Association Meeting will be February 19, 2022 at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people including the Recreation Assoc. Board.

Attendance: 9 Board Members. 19 Residents.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson, Secretary.

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