February 2022 Minutes

The February 2022 Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was conducted using guidelines established by Palm Beach County and the Center for Disease Control. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar, Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwarz and Ron Smilowitz.

Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the January 10, 2022 HOA meeting were read and accepted as read on a motion by President Alan Schnelwar second by Vice President Paula Beberman.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of January 31, 2022
Professional Bank
Reserve Account $ 86,206.99
Operating Account $ 48,199.84
Income Jan. $78,303.35
Expenses Jan $ 44,252.59

PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported that there were very few reports of cable issues.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: Vice President Paula Beberman reported that as of today, we have 6 residents who we have not received their first quarter maintenance payment. There were no interviews for sale or rental.

POOL: Director Ron Smilowitz reported that all is well with no problems.

LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported that he has not yet received his report from the lake doctor. A small blockage in the spillway was removed.

ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler reported approval of two pavers. There was approval on a bench in front of front porch. Approval for windows and sliders at one residence.

GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported that annual inspections have started. There are 64 total issues. We have 2 gallons of paint for use by homeowners. Trash is OK. There are 37residences that have clamshell shutters that were the original hurricane shutters. The painting of these shutters should be addressed by next year and the cost should be the home owner’s responsibility.

PEST CONTROL: Vice President Paula Beberman everything is fine.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that Norgen is finishing up our annual tree trimming. There are 27 landscape issues which are mostly minor involving trimming of bushes in the rear and sides of residences. There are holes in the ground in the rear of houses on the east side of Lucy Drive and at the north end. We are not sure of the cause but, a resident who has cameras on the rear of a residence in that area says he believes it’s caused by armadillos. We will attempt to verify and if this the case, we will have to take appropriate corrective measures.

SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported 4 issues on Lucy and 2 issues on Candy were repaired. There is one other issue on Lucy to be checked to make sure it’s working properly.

NEWSLETER: Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new on newsletter.

ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman called for a light out at the corner of Connie Blvd and Lucy Dr.

ALLIANCE Vice President Paula Beberman reported that there was no congressional representation at the meeting as they are in the state capital fighting for issues here in our County. Police Captain asked that everyone please lock your cars. There have been multiple break in’s. Fire District Chief reported on the cooler weather and the use of space heaters. Please make sure if you use a heater, that for safety, it be at least 3 feet away from anything.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Meeting on Wednesday. Paula Beberman reported that last month’s meeting was very exciting. The proposed renovations were shown to those in attendance. Those in attendance were excited and this will be a much needed improvement to our Delray Villas community. Question asked about the sound system. The renovations include a new sound booth.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President Schnelwar reported on the status of the homeowner who has taken issue with the color of the pool building. This Board has Responded to his lawyer and given his lawyer all requested information. Hopefully, this issue has been resolved.

The second issue reported by President Schnelwar is the status of the purchase of the lots at Edna and Wanda. We did get an agreement from the people who want to build. What they submitted was a typical sales form for selling of property which had 5 of the 6 issues we submitted. There was no response to our request for a performance bond. This has all been given to Plat 3 Lawyer who agrees that we need more than a simple sales agreement. We should receive further information by next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson introduced proposals for replacement of hedges around our pool. One proposal for removal of approximately 290 linear ft. and installation of new podocarpus 7 gallon pots including new soil and mulch. Total proposal cost is $4,850.
Second proposal is for planting of 120 linear ft. with green arbocola at south and east side of pool area, pool equipment area and perimeter within, adding new soil and demo of existing ficus for replacement. Total proposal cost is $2,350.
Questions raised as to can we relocate the ficus hedges we remove to the rear of Lucy Drive? We have been promised by Norgen in past to have those hedges filled in. The hedges along Via Flor at the pool appear to be OK. After some discussion it was decided to do a cost analysis for other options needs to be conducted. Copies of proposals are attached to these minutes. Suggestion was also to look into a grass type of fence around our pool. Could we possibly double the current wall to prevent loss of soil into the lake? Could this cause rainwater to back up on the pavers under the awning and erode the pavers.

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, Monday March 14, 2022 at 7 PM in the Viking Room.
The next Recreation Association Meeting will be February 19, 2022 at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people including the Recreation Assoc. Board.

Attendance: 9 Board Members. 8 Residents
Respectfully Submitted, Robert Albertson, Secretary

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