April 2023 Minutes

April 10, 2023

April 2023 Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held on the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Alan Schnelwar with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar, Vice President Paula Beberman, Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson. Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwartz, Ronald Smilowitz.

Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the March 13, 2023, meeting was read and accepted as read on a motion by President Alan Schnelwar and second by Vice President Paula Beberman.



TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of March 31, 2023
Professional Bank
Reserve Account $ 66,637.57
Operating Account $ 22,878.43
Income March 2023 $ 21,396.88
Expenses March 2023 $ 27,005.98

PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar reported there were no cable problems reported.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: President Schnelwar reported that there are 20 outstanding first quarter maintenance payments. There were no new interviews.

POOL: Director Ron Smilowitz reported that the pool is tentatively scheduled to be closed on April 26th, 27th and possibly April 28th. for power washing and painting of the white coping around the pool. The next project will be the re-covering of the lounge chairs and the chairs around the tables. Choice of colors needs to be decided. The railings of the chairs and lounges also need to be painted. Payment for pool renewal has been sent to the county. A question was asked if there is any way to preserve the webbing on our lounges? Damage is caused by suntan lotion and damage is unavoidable. Report of one soffit screen damage by the pool entry. This will be addressed. Question asked about grass growing between the pavers at the pool. Discussion on possible addition of flowers at the south side of the pool. Two newly planted perimeter bushes need to be replaced.

LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported the water level is low due to lack of rainfall. Question of report of alligator in the lake. Our president reported that
there is a number to call for alligator control. He called the state, and the animal was caught and removed from the lake behind the pool. What about posting a warning sign?

ARCHECTURE: Director Ken Bankler reported a request on Doris Ct. for a screened in porch on an existing ten foot by twelve-foot porch.

GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported two lights out. Trash is OK.

PEST CONTROL: Marie Cuillerier had nothing new to report.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairman Bob Albertson reported that second weed and feed will be applied shortly. Trimming of hedges along Connie Blvd has been scheduled. The issue of dying grass on the odd side of Doris Ct. is caused by decay of electric sprinkler lines. Decision on whether to put new electric lines into conduit prior to the burring of the lines. Before digging can start, Norgen must notify the county and have all buried lines mapped out. This request was submitted, and County has marked out all buried locations. Norgen waiting for notification from the county to proceed. One request approved for replacement of dead tree on Edna Way. The Landscape Committee will begin investigating replacement of the flagpole at the entry to Plat III.

SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported on a conversation she had with Norgen Landscape about future replacement of underground wires instead of repairing and replacement wires being placed in conduit. Barbara is thinking of replacing a section each year and over a period of a few years, the electrical system would be completely replaced. Barbara also reported that Norgen is recommending the next area to consider is the even side of Wanda which is behind the houses and Atlantic Ave. In addition, sprinkler issues as follows were repaired. 1 on Doris Ct., 3 on Lucy Dr., one on Candy and one at the pool. Barbara further reported that she will be riding in the golf cart with Danny to do a sprinkler check and hopefully do this possibly every six months.

ROADS: Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new.

ALLIANCE: No Report.

RECEATION ASSOCIATION: Recreation Association Delegate Iris Schnell reported on upcoming events at the Clubhouse. Kerokee on the fourth Saturdays of
each month. Upcoming casino trip in July for men only.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: At the March 2023 Board Meeting, the Board neglected to vote on the following Voting on the monetary number of fines to be
imposed for violation of Plat III documents. There was a motion by Alan Schnelwar and a second by Ken Bankler to fix the fine amount at $ 100.00 (One Hundred Dollars) per day for violating our amendments to Plat III documents. The motion was unanimously adopted. There was a motion by Alan Schnelwar, second by Ken Bankler that a yearly request must be submitted by any resident who claims to have an emotional support animal over 20 (twenty) pounds and that the request to be approved by a doctor or phycologist. The motion was unanimously adopted. 

Report on the Sale of our 3 Lots at intersection of Wanda Lane and Edna Way. President Schnelwar reported that the potential owners have received the title and their attorney is reviewing the title documents.



With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, May 8, 2023, at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance: 9 Board Members. Resident’s attendance 11

The next Recreation Association Meeting will be April 19, 2023, at 7 PM. in the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people, including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Albertson

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