Presidents Letter – October 2022

Dear homeowner:

  1. The October Board meeting was held on Monday night. The following items were discussed:
    The sale of the three lots at the end of Edna Way has temporarily fallen through because the potential buyer cannot acquire the fourth lot. The reason that he could not acquire the fourth lot was that the owner who purchased that lot on a tax sale did not obtain clear title. Our attorneys believe that they could negotiate with the owner of the fourth lot and obtain it for a price of about $10,000, once the lot is acquired for $10,000, they would have to get clear title for which the cost would be another $10,000. The board approved that we proceed with attempting to acquire and get clear title of the fourth lot. If we can obtain the fourth lot I believe we could get at least $100,000 for all four lots. If we take a very conservative view and assume it would cost $30,000 the resulting profit to the HOA would be $70,000. Our attorney believes that he has builders that would be interested, and I think we could go back to the originally builder and get him to buy the four lots, he has spent some money already with investigating what it would take to build as well as working on architectural plans. In addition, I have been working with a buyer for the three lots and the board has approved his asking price of $100,000 for the three lots. I will be in negotiation with him to try and close. If we close with this buyer we would not proceed with attempting to acquire the fourth lot.
  2. The homeowner who has objected to the color of the pool building has take us to mediation. The mediation session ended without any resolution. The homeowner has requested further documents before finalizing the mediation, as of now this is still and open item. This same homeowner has requested further documentation relating to our selection of LED bulbs for our lollipops claiming that we should have investigated the health risks of these bulbs. He has also questioned the board’s authority to sell the three lots without a vote of the whole community. Our attorneys have told us that we have the authority to decide on all these matters.
  3. Norgen has started the work on replacing the ficus at the east end of the pool. This has been very difficult due to the depth of the roots. In addition, sprinklers are affected.
  4. Norgen is currently having problems retaining employees because some of his employees are going to the west coast and working on helping the clean up and getting paid $25 per hour.
  5. Joanne Albertson, President of Rec Board, reported on the rec board budget as well as the renovation of the “A” building. The budget calls for an increase of our contribution to the rec board budget in the amount of $18.00 per quarter. This increase is not being used for the renovation. This increase will be added to the 2023 maintenance payment as well as any increase we may need for the Plat 3 budget. I will be working on the plat 3 budget and reporting to the board at the November meeting.
  6. Bob Albertson chairman of Landscaping reported that he has seen some tree plantings by homeowners. Please remember that you can not plant any trees or shrubs without his approval. Some of these trees will be required to be taken down at homeowner expense.
  7. We have two openings for our platt3 representation on the rec board. If you are interested please contact myself or Paula Beberman.


Alan Schnelwar, President

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