Apr 2024 Minutes

April 8, 2024

April 2024 Board of Directors Meeting of Delray Villas Plat 3 was held on the above date at the Recreation Center Viking Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Secretary Robert Albertson with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence and private prayer of choice….

Roll Call: Present: President Alan Schnelwar attending remotely, Vice President Paula Beberman is excused. Present Treasurer Richard Chrzan, Secretary Robert Albertson, Directors Kenneth Bankler, Maureen Gilman, Barbara Quinto, Barry Schwartz and Jill Varrichio.
Reading of Minutes: The minutes of the March 11, 2024, meeting was read and accepted as read on a motion by Director Maureen Gilman and second by Director Barbara Quinto. Carried.
Introduction of New Residents: None

TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Richard Chrzan reported the following balances as of March 31, 2024
Seacoast Bank
Reserve Account $ 179,177.55
Operating Account $ 57,866.39
Income March 2024 $ 17,648.80
Expenses March 2024 $ 34,947.46

PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Schnelwar had nothing to report. Waiting to receive reports from residents who had issues and resolution of their issues.
The issue of no music at the pool was reported by Bob Albertson. After investigation of the problem, it has been determined that the problem lies with Breezeline. With the upgrade to the new wireless system, the signal is too weak at the pool. We will be working with Breezeline to resolve this issue.
Working on Community Channel for Plat 3.

MAINTENANCE & INTERVIEWS: President Schnelwar reported that some progress has been made with those residents who have not made 4th qtr. 2023 and 1st qtr. 2024. Some residents are going back to their banks to investigate this issue. The association may have to go to collections for resolution this issue.

POOL: Director Jill Varrichio reported that with approval of the Board she will be turning over responsibility of pool to Norman Garrett. Jill has been dealing with personal family issues and was recently married. Since Norm is not a Board Member, approval by the Board is necessary under New Business.

LAKES: Director Ken Bankler reported the usual algae treatment was applied. Lake levels are low due to lack of rainfall.

ARCHECTURE: Ken Bankler had nothing new to report.

GRIEVANCE: Director Barry Schwartz reported that two lights were out this month. Garbage is fine. Half of the house with inspection issues have been completed.

PEST CONTROL: Marie Cuillerier reported no calls for any issues.

LANDSCAPE: Landscape Chairperson Bob Albertson reported that hedge trimmings from the far side of Lucy Drive need to be picked up by Norgen Landscape. The hedges on Lucy Drive will be fertilized by Norgen Landscape. Hedge Trimming on Atlantic Ave needs to be completed. Hedges on Via Flora have not yet been trimmed. We are now back to 3 lawn cuttings per month.

SPRINKLERS: Director Barbara Quinto reported repairs as follows: 1 on Doris Ct, 4 on Wanda, 1 on Candy and 1 on Edna. There was a broken pipe at the north end of Lucy Drive. That was fixed by the water department within an hour. The digging of the trench behind the even side of Lucy had started.

ROADS & LIGHTING: Director Maureen Gilman reported nothing new on roads and nothing new on lighting.

ALLIANCE: Iris Schnell reported from Sherifs Dept reported that crime is down. Auto thefts are on the rise. Fire Rescue reported 3,200 calls for the 4th battalion. Maria Sachs reported that all palm beach county high schools now have metal detectors.

RECREATION ASSOCIATION: Iris Schnell reported that if anyone needs a hard copy of the proposed changes to the documents that were emailed approximately 6 weeks ago, please see Iris for a hard copy. They are also available at Recreation President Joann Albertson’s residence. Each resident will be mailed a ballot to be completed and returned to the recreation association. The ballot will be placed in a separate envelope to preserve secrecy of your vote. Iris spoke of the upcoming casino trip on Wednesday and karaoke on the 13th. Upcoming Fashion Show for Mother’s Day.

President Schnelwar reported that he and the Treasurer met with a possible accountant replacement and are waiting for their cost factor to clean up 2023 and our income tax and she will be placing all the homeowners into quick books as part of the project and continue to maintain our books on a monthly basis going forward. This will relieve our treasurer from some of his duties. Our Treasurer will continue to run reports and monitor the system. We will be using the reserve fund to pay for the clean up of 2023. A question asked if will we be getting a monthly report of our finances? That would be a board decision and we are not there yet.

Discussion on rule changes for vehicles. The copy given to each board member contained items that are not related to our Association. Those items not related to Plat 3 were removed from the proposed changes. Further discussion of types of vehicles that will be permitted and types of vehicles that will not be permitted. All after-market alterations must be approved by the board. Additions, removals and changes will be made and presented at the next meeting. How violations are to be dealt with must also be added to the proposal. Who will determine whether a vehicle meets all the requirements? An attempt will be made to obtain other Plats documents for reference purposes only.

Question asked if there are any age qualifications for board membership. This subject is currently under advisement.
Question asked concerning modification of front doors of the 18 smaller units. Motion from Director Maureen Gilman to approve modification of the front door of the smaller unit residences. The motion was second by Director Ken Bankler. All Board Members present voted in favor and the motion was unanimously adopted.

Motion by President Schnelwar that we revise the original motion that the 18 smaller units can only be painted brown to now include that they can also be painted white. The motion was second by Director Maureen Gilman. After further discussion on the motion, Director Barry Schwartz will get a color number for Sherwin Williams white enamel which will be used as the only permitted white color. All board members voted in favor of the motion, and it was unanimously approved.

Question asked by the representative of the Delray Villas Recreation Association if there were any complaints from anyone concerning any issues such as noise, parking of vehicles etc. with the house on Via Flora across from the entry to Plat 3. There were no complaints from anyone at the meeting. This issue will be returned to the DV Recreation Association.
Everyone was thanked for attending the meeting and also for their input.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM. The next Meeting will be a Plat 3 Board Meeting and will be Monday, May 13, 2024, at 7 PM in the Viking Room.

Attendance: 8 Board Members. 16 Residents.

The next Recreation Association Meeting will be April 17, 2024, at 7 PM. In the Viking Room. That meeting will be limited to 50 people, including the Recreation Assoc. Board. That meeting will also be broadcast using the ZOOM application.

Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Albertson Secretary

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